GitFiend 0.45.3

July 13, 2024

Open Sourcing

The GitFiend Support repo now contains 2 of 3 parts of the GitFiend source. This includes the core service and main window and packaging code. The benefit of this is you can now build and package GitFiend for whatever platform and architecture you want. The frontend is included but minified for now.


  • Apple Silicon version no longer contains an Intel build of gitfiend-core
  • Truncate very long lines of code to fix a case where the UI can freeze for a while


I went on a tangent and wrote another UI library (named Cottontail) after realising UI updates and state changes can be optimised to run once per frame. I then ported the frontend of GitFiend (and this website) to use it to validate the idea. It's much smaller, faster and easier to write than React for highly dynamic UI like GitFiend has. You can find it here if you care.

GitFiend 0.44.3

November 19, 2023


  • Fix submodule regression where the toolbar would show a branch wasn't published

GitFiend 0.44.2

November 11, 2023


  • New option to split the code viewer into 2 panes. This can be toggled from the commit context menu when a commit is fully expanded.
  • Added context menu and commit navigation arrows to changes UI
  • Speed up repo loading and refreshing. This makes a large difference to the preview workspaces feature


  • Fix bug where branches didn't show when a branch filter is applied
  • Fix bug where cherry-pick isn't available for commits ahead of your current branch
  • Fix bug where gitfiend could show the wrong file changes for a small time

GitFiend 0.42.1

July 2, 2023


GitFiend 0.42.0

June 5, 2023


GitFiend 0.41.4

May 28, 2023


GitFiend 0.40.6

April 15, 2023

This release brings some long requested features as well as bug fixes. Note: Preview features need to be enabled from Menu > View > Preview Features.


  • Preview Feature: Squash commits. This lets you squash un-pushed commits into one.
  • Preview Feature: Extract changes. This lets you extract changes from another branch (merge and squash)
  • Preview Feature: Auto-complete in input fields. This gives you auto-complete for words found in your repo

Improvements and Fixes

  • Switch to commits view after applying a filter
  • Lots of misc UI improvements including tooltips, wording
  • Improvements to the commit graph and how un-pushed commits are shown
  • Misc improvements to the preview workspaces feature

GitFiend 0.39.4

February 11, 2023


Search is now out of preview and always enabled. This lets you quickly search your repos history for code, files, text in commit messages, branches and user names. You can then go to those commits or apply filters. Access search from the main toolbar or with ctrl/cmd-f.

Other Improvements

  • Branches view has been improved with a new search box and local and remote branches displayed separately. The branches view and the branch dropdown have also been unified.
  • Added option to remove a changed file from Git tracking
  • Submodules are now automatically checked out when cloning
  • Lots of improvements to the preview workspaces feature


GitFiend 0.38.2

October 19, 2022


  • Fix regression where GitFiend would show no feedback for a user action that failed
  • Fix bug where some actions would show a spinner that never ends

GitFiend 0.37.2

October 1, 2022


  • Improve performance of merge conflict view a lot when dealing with large files
  • Add controls for switching between commits when a commit is fullscreen. This pairs well with a file filter applied to see the history for a specific file
  • Lots of improvements to preview search feature
  • Misc bug fixes

GitFiend 0.36

August 27, 2022


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GitFiend 0.35.3

July 31, 2022

This version of GitFiend comes with performance improvements and fixes (Performance will vary depending on your machine and repositories). I've been working hard to re-architect GitFiend for speed/size (including writing the core in Rust), upcoming features, and independence from certain libraries that have a been a source of bugs. I hope to be more focused on features and feedback soon.

Other Improvements

  • Lots of improvements to preview search feature
  • Stop bundling Git in Windows version
  • Fix bug where changed files could appear blank
  • Fix a bug where committing a selection of lines in a file doesn't refresh until later
  • Fix a bug where commits with multiple authors may not display
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